We take great pride in exceeding customer expectations with master craftsmanship, incomparable beauty, competitive pricing and distinctive products. Our extensive selection allows you to find the ideal match for your windows, your home and your life — in luxurious hardwoods or durable composites. Each shutter is custom hand crafted based on a 30-year tradition by the world's largest manufacturer of window coverings. Shutters are hand sanded and finished five times to create a lustrous finish.
Our selection complements the décor of any room, on any window. From the customized luxury of Sussex to the charming simplicity of Normandy, expect nothing less than master craftsmanship, enduring beauty, custom options and outstanding privacy.
You deserve the luxury of Sussex Custom Shutters. Constructed of select premium hardwoods.
Specialty shapes and customization for any window, any shape, any size
Hand-selected premium hardwoods
Master craftsmanship
Furniture-quality finish
Mortise and tenon joints
Recessed magnets
Stainless steel fasteners
Lifetime limited warranty
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Our Normandy Shutters are for our value minded customers.
Beautiful Draperies
Historical Replication
Cornice Boards
Swag and Jabots
Cubicle Curtains
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